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CWWK provides opportunities for networking and mentoring and support for director and above women in High-Tech roles and companies in the Denver Metro area. 

In addition, we have a passion around increasing the number of girls in engineering and science. Our events are cool, low maintenance, fun, and include an abundance of time for networking.

CWWK is Small with High Impact

We are always keeping an eye out for the next Cool Woman, but never want to become so large that we lose the intimacy and trust we build in our group and with our community. That means we work to keep our membership in the 50 – 100 range for any given chapter.  

So how will you know a Cool Woman when you meet her?  The following criteria are designed to help you. 

Member Criteria:

  • Currently or previously a director or above executive in technology, engineering or software profession
  • The founder of a technology startup company
  • Strong technical experience, like Director of SW Development or in a business role for a high-tech company, like the VP of Marketing or HR
  • Academic leader, like a professor, or in a STEM technology related field, like a PhD in Engineering or Chief Scientist for a biotech lab. 

Identifying Cool:

It can be difficult to determine “nice” from “cool”, so we’ve put the following together to help you identify new members:

  • We are honest, but supportive
  • We provide constructive feedback, not harsh criticism
  • We are pro-women and not anti-men
  • We appreciate authenticity, not appearances
  • Opportunities are serendipitous, not solicitous
  • And we embrace our strength, weakness, fear and joy - because being cool includes all of those things 

Paying it Forward

In addition, our members have a passion around increasing the number of girls in engineering and science and encourage their young female colleagues to grow in their IT and technology business careers.  And we find the time to give back – to other members, to our community, and to the next generation of women.  Our members play the roles of mentors, financial contributors, board members and peer advisors.  They sponsor events, manage programs and volunteer as scholarship reviewers or content creators.  Each woman brings her unique skills and passion to the table as a generous leader.  

CWWK Scholarship

CWWK has it's own scholarship to give back to women in tech. We collect donations from our members to support future women in tech via scholarships to be used for traditional education, certifications, conferences, etc. Please help us support the next generations of coolest women by visiting

Click on one of the following downloads for more details:

CWWK Flyer

CWWK Sponsor Overview

 Nomination Process:

To nominate a new cool woman, a current member must solicit support from ate least one other existing cool woman member.  Inviting prospective candidates to a meeting as a guest is great way to go – as this is a two-way consideration process.  Candidate nominations are reviewed by the CWWK Membership committee made of members from the Board of Directors and the general membership population.  

Guest Guidelines:

Happy Hour guests must be member eligible and may attend one meeting to make sure the group is a good fit for them.  If they attend a virtual meeting, we encourage at least or two one-on-one phone discussions between the nominee and the Membership Committee members. 

Extending an Invitation to New Members

Please try not to set any expectations about membership with guests or prospective members, as not all candidates are selected.  The most common reasons someone is not selected include:

  • They meet all the hard criteria and really are cool, but they are so busy, they have no time to give back. They often self-select out as they understand they cannot give back to the community right now. These are great women to follow up with as their situation evolves.
  • They are cool but are not senior enough. These women should be directed to the Next Gen group, so they can still benefit from the CWWK organization
  • They meet all the hard criteria, but they are simply not cool. Most often it is because they display behaviors such as harsh or unproductive criticism, they talk over everyone in the room or they are so intensely introverted that they cannot contribute to conversations or events. 

Coolest Women We Know is a women' leadership in technology association in the Denver and Boulder area. Copyright 2022.

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